§ 15-814. Lobbying.
(a) Adoption of regulations.- A school board may adopt regulations relating to lobbying of members of the school board and of officials and employees of the school system in accordance with this section.
(b) Similarity to State Ethics Law.- The lobbying regulations adopted by a school board under subsection (a) of this section shall be substantially similar to the provisions of Subtitle 7 of this title, but:
(1) may be modified to the extent necessary to make the provisions relevant to that school system; and
(2) may be further modified to the extent considered necessary and appropriate by and for that school system.
(c) Applicability of county provisions.- Unless a school board adopts and maintains lobbying regulations under this subtitle, the provisions enacted by the county under § 15-806 of this subtitle shall apply to that school system.
[An. Code 1957, art. 40A, § 6A-301; 1995, ch. 533, § 2.]