§ 15-820. Financial disclosure by commissioners.
(a) Applicability to Washington Suburban Transit Commission.- In this section, as to the Washington Suburban Transit Commission, "commissioner" includes only the members appointed from Prince George's County or Montgomery County.
(b) In general.-
(1) Each commissioner and each applicant for appointment to a bicounty commission shall file the financial disclosure statement required by § 15-601(a) of this title, except that:
(i) references to "business with the State" are deemed to refer to "business with the State, the appropriate bicounty commission, Montgomery County, or Prince George's County"; and
(ii) references to "employed by the State" are deemed to refer to "employed by the State, the appropriate bicounty commission, Montgomery County, or Prince George's County".
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the statement shall be filed as prescribed in § 15-602 of this title.
(c) Forms to be provided.- The executive director of a bicounty commission shall:
(1) provide forms for the statements required by this section;
(2) make the forms available in the office of the executive director; and
(3) provide a sufficient number of forms to the chief administrative officers of Montgomery and Prince George's counties for use by applicants and commissioners.
(d) Place of filing.- Each commissioner shall file the statement with the chief administrative officer of the county from which the commissioner is appointed.
(e) Washington Suburban Transit Commission - Alternate disclosure.- If a commissioner of the Washington Suburban Transit Commission holds another public office and is required to file a financial disclosure statement under another State or local law, the commissioner may comply with subsection (a) of this section by submitting a copy of the statement filed in accordance with the other law. The statement shall be supplemented to include any additional information required by this section.
[An. Code 1957, art. 40A, § 6-203; 1995, ch. 533, § 2.]