§ 15-823. Examination and copying of financial disclosure statements.
(a) Public inspection.- The Ethics Commission, the executive director of each bicounty commission, and the chief administrative officer of each county:
(1) shall maintain statements of commissioners and appointed applicants received under this Part III;
(2) shall make the statements available to the public for examination and copying during normal office hours; and
(3) may charge a reasonable fee and adopt reasonable administrative procedures for the examination and copying of a statement.
(b) Recordation of information about examination or copying of statements.- The Ethics Commission, the executive director of each bicounty commission, and the chief administrative officers shall require that any person examining or copying a financial statement shall record:
(1) the person's name and home address; and
(2) the name of the individual whose statement was examined or copied.
[An. Code 1957, art. 40A, § 6-203; 1995, ch. 533, § 2.]