§ 15-834. Enforcement of subtitle.
(a) Subject to direction and control of Ethics Commission.- In the enforcement of this Part IV, the clerk of the County Council shall be subject to the direction and control of the Ethics Commission or its Executive Director and, unless otherwise specifically directed by the Ethics Commission or its Executive Director, may only:
(1) receive filings;
(2) maintain records;
(3) report violations; and
(4) perform other ministerial duties necessary to administer this Part IV.
(b) Filing of affidavit by corporation.- Notwithstanding any provision of this Part IV, as to a corporation listed on a national stock exchange or regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and any subsidiary of the corporation, the following requirements apply if the filing of an affidavit would otherwise be required under this Part IV:
(1) a director or officer in the corporation or any of its subsidiaries, or a stockholder who has a 5 percent or greater interest in the corporation or any of its subsidiaries, shall only be required to file an affidavit if the individual has made a payment to the treasurer of a candidate or continuing political committee, or if the individual has solicited anyone to make a payment to the treasurer of a candidate or continuing political committee; and
(2) the corporation or its subsidiary shall file a corporate affidavit stating:
(i) 1. that the corporation has not made or solicited any payment to the treasurer of a candidate or continuing political committee; or
2. if such a payment was made, the name of the member to whose treasurer, or whose continuing political committee, the payment was made; and
(ii) that all directors, officers, and stockholders with a 5 percent or greater interest have been notified of the disclosure requirements of item (1) of this subsection.
(c) Filing of affidavits; summary reports.-
(1) The affidavits and disclosures required under this Part IV shall be filed in the appropriate case file of an application.
(2) The clerk of the County Council, at least twice each year, shall prepare a summary report compiling all affidavits and disclosures that have been filed in the application case files.
(3) All summary reports compiled under paragraph (2) of this subsection shall be available to members of the public upon written request.
(4) All affidavits, disclosures, and accompanying documentation required under this Part IV shall be in the form required by the Ethics Commission.
[An. Code 1957, art. 40A, § 6-605; 1993, ch. 577; 1995, ch. 533, § 2; 2002, ch. 291, § 4.]