§ 9-1018. Membership.
(a) Composition; appointment of members.-
(1) The Commission consists of 15 members, 7 of whom are institutional members and 8 of whom are public members.
(2) The institutional members are the chief executive officers, or their designees, of the following institutions:
(i) the Academy of the Arts in Easton;
(ii) the Baltimore Museum of Art;
(iii) Maryland Historical Society;
(iv) the Maryland Institute, College of Art in Baltimore;
(v) the Peabody Institute;
(vi) Walters Art Gallery; and
(vii) Washington County Museum of Fine Arts in Hagerstown.
(3) (i) The State Archivist shall appoint the public members with the approval of the Governor.
(ii) The State Archivist shall seek to include representatives of the historical museums of the State among the public members.
(iii) The public members serve at the pleasure of the State Archivist.
(b) Chairman.- From time to time, with the approval of the Governor, the State Archivist shall designate a public member of the Commission to serve as chairman.
[1984, ch. 286, §§ 5, 8; 1986, ch. 54; 1995, ch. 331.]