§ 7-601. Retention of officers or employees.
(a) In general.- If this State acquires a public or private entity to operate it for a public purpose, this State may retain, as a State employee, any individual who is an officer or employee of that entity at the time of the acquisition.
(b) Position; seniority; probation.-
(1) An employee who is retained under this section:
(i) shall be employed in a position that corresponds or is similar to the position held at the time of the acquisition; and
(ii) keeps seniority.
(2) Beginning as of the date of the acquisition, each retained employee shall be on probation for the period required by Subtitle 4 of this title.
(c) Classification of positions.- Within 1 year after an acquisition, the Department shall classify each position in the acquired entity.
(d) Rights of retained employees.- After positions in the acquired entity are classified, each retained employee:
(1) may continue without an examination to hold the position in which the employee is then employed; and
(2) has all the rights of the class to which that position is allocated.
(e) New positions or vacancies.- If a new position is created in an acquired entity or an established position in an acquired entity becomes vacant, the position shall be filled in accordance with this title.
[An. Code 1957, art. 64A, § 51A; 1993, ch. 10, § 2; ch. 20, § 1; 1996, ch. 347, § 1.]