§ 11-118. Emergency vehicle.
"Emergency vehicle" means any of the following vehicles that are designated by the Administration as entitled to the exemptions and privileges set forth in the Maryland Vehicle Law for emergency vehicles:
(1) Vehicles of federal, State, or local law enforcement agencies;
(2) Vehicles of volunteer fire companies, rescue squads, fire departments, the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems, and the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute;
(3) State vehicles used in response to oil or hazardous materials spills;
(4) State vehicles designated for emergency use by the Commissioner of Correction;
(5) Ambulances; and
(6) Special vehicles funded or provided by federal, State, or local government and used for emergency or rescue purposes in this State.
[An. Code 1957, art. 661/2, § 1-103; 1977, ch. 14, § 2; ch. 222; 1983, chs. 309, 361; 1989, ch. 291, § 2; ch. 343; 1993, ch. 543; 2004, ch. 368.]