§ 12-304. (Subject to contingency.) Selective Service Administration Registration - Drivers' licenses and identification cards.
(a) Application.- This section applies only to an adult male applicant under the age of 26 years.
(b) Electronic format.- Subject to subsection (c) of this section, the Administration shall provide to the Selective Service Administration in an electronic format, for purposes of registration with the Selective Service as required under federal law, the necessary information concerning a male applicant who applies for a driver's license or identification card or the renewal of a driver's license or identification card, including the applicant's:
(1) Full name;
(2) Current address;
(3) Date of birth;
(4) Gender;
(5) Date of application; and
(6) Social Security number, if available.
(c) Selection of options.-
(1) A male applicant's signature on the application indicates that the applicant has selected one of the options specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection concerning Selective Service registration and the forwarding of information to the Selective Service Administration under this section.
(2) In addition to the information required under this subtitle or Title 16 of this article, an application form for a driver's license or identification card or renewal of a driver's license or identification card shall contain a statement that the male applicant:
(i) Has already registered with the Selective Service Administration; or
(ii) Has not registered with the Selective Service Administration and:
1. Consents to forwarding the information in subsection (b) of this section to the Selective Service Administration; or
2. Refuses to consent to the forwarding of the information in subsection (b) of this section to the Selective Service Administration.
(d) Refusal of consent.- Refusal to consent to the forwarding of the information in subsection (b) of this section to the Selective Service Administration may not be grounds for denial of an application for a driver's license or identification card or renewal of a driver's license or identification card.
[2002, ch. 309.]