§ 12-404. Agreements or arrangements for certain benefits, privileges, or exemptions.
(a) In general.- The Administrator may make an agreement or arrangement with the authorized representative of any other jurisdiction, to grant to drivers or to owners of vehicles that are licensed or registered in that jurisdiction and for which evidence of compliance is supplied, benefits, privileges, and full or partial exemptions from the payment of any taxes, fees, or other charges imposed under the laws of this State on the drivers or owners as to the operation or ownership of the vehicles.
(b) Reciprocity required.- An agreement or arrangement made under this section shall provide that drivers and vehicles licensed or registered in this State, while operated on highways in the other jurisdiction, shall receive benefits, privileges, and exemptions of a similar kind or to a similar degree as are extended to drivers and vehicles licensed or registered in that jurisdiction while operated in this State.
(c) Considerations.- In the judgment of the Administrator, each agreement or arrangement to be made under this section shall be in the best interest of and fair and equitable to this State and its citizens, as determined on the basis and recognition of the benefits that accrue to the economy of this State from the uninterrupted flow of commerce.
[An. Code 1957, art. 661/2, § 3-402.2; 1977, ch. 14, § 2.]