§ 13-104. Application for certificate of title - In general.
(a) Application required.-
(1) The application for a certificate of title of a vehicle shall be made by the owner of the vehicle on the form that the Administration requires.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, an application for a certificate of title of an off-highway recreational vehicle shall be made by electronic transmission under § 13-610 of this title.
(b) Certificate of title.-
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Administration may not issue a certificate of title to any individual who is not at least 18 years old.
(2) The Administration may issue a certificate of title to an individual under the age of 18 years if the individual submits an application for a certificate of title that is cosigned by:
(i) A parent or guardian of the applicant; or
(ii) If the applicant has no parent or guardian or is married, an adult employer of the applicant or any other responsible adult.
(3) The individual cosigning the application of a minor under this subsection shall certify that the statements made in the application are true to the best of the cosigner's knowledge, information, and belief.
(c) Contents of application.- The application shall contain:
(1) The full name and Maryland address of the owner, including:
(i) If the owner is an individual, the owner's Maryland residence and mailing addresses;
(ii) If the owner is a business firm, association, or corporation, its federal identification number and:
1. Its business address in this State; or
2. The name and address of its resident agent in this State;
(iii) If the owner is a partnership or joint venture, the name of each partner or joint venturer;
(iv) If the owner is an unincorporated association, joint stock company, or other group described in § 6-406 of the Courts Article, the name and address of a resident agent on whom service may be made in any lawsuit arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of the vehicle; and
(v) If the owner is a trustee, the address of the trust in this State and the name and address of a person in this State on whom service may be made in any lawsuit arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of the vehicle;
(2) (i) If the owner is an individual, the owner's date of birth; and
(ii) If the owner is a partnership or joint venture, the date of birth of each partner or joint venturer;
(3) A description of the vehicle, including:
(i) To the extent that the information exists, its make, model, year, vehicle identification number, type of body, and number of cylinders;
(ii) If the vehicle is a two-stage vehicle:
1. The make and year of the first stage; and
2. The make, model, and year of the second stage;
(iii) If the vehicle is a motorcycle with an engine manufactured on or after January 1, 1977, the identifying number of the engine; and
(iv) Any other information that the Administration requires;
(4) A statement of:
(i) The applicant's title to and each security interest in the vehicle; and
(ii) The name and address of each secured party with any security interest in the vehicle and the nature and order of priority of that interest; and
(5) Any other information that the Administration reasonably requires to determine if the owner is entitled to a certificate of title.
(d) Signature.- The application shall be signed in ink by:
(1) Each owner who is an individual;
(2) The individual cosigning the application on behalf of a minor in accordance with subsection (b) of this section;
(3) An officer or authorized agent of the owner, if the owner is a business firm, association, or corporation;
(4) A partner or joint venturer, if the owner is a partnership or joint venture;
(5) An officer or authorized agent, if the owner is an unincorporated association, joint stock company, or other group described in § 6-406 of the Courts Article; or
(6) A trustee, if the owner is a trust.
(e) Application to be accompanied by outstanding certificate of title.- The application shall be accompanied by each certificate of title of the vehicle that previously may have been issued by this or any other state and still is outstanding.
[An. Code 1957, art. 661/2, § 3-104; 1977, ch. 14, § 2; 1986, ch. 696; 1988, ch. 24; 1998, ch. 443; 2000, ch. 20; 2010, ch. 304.]