§ 13-413. Vehicle laws - Multiyear registration.
(a) In general.- Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, the Administration may adopt a system of multiyear registration.
(b) Display of vehicle registration plates or validation tabs.- Vehicle registration plates or validation tabs shall be issued and displayed in accordance with a schedule established by the Administrator.
(c) Fee.- The fee for a multiyear registration is the same as the annual registration fee established under this title multiplied by the number of years for which the registration is issued.
(d) Refund.- The Administration shall refund the registration fees upon surrender of the registration card and registration plates if the return is made before the beginning of any 12-month registration year for which the application for refund is made.
(e) Authority to adopt regulations.- The Administration may adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of this section.
[1988, ch. 748; 1992, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 3, § 1.]