§ 13-420. Registration of school vehicles.
(a) Scope of section.-
(1) A school type vehicle operated on a regular daily basis to transport students attending grades K through 12 shall be registered under this section.
(2) A school type vehicle otherwise operated to transport persons for educational purposes or maintained by an educational institution as part of a transportation system shall be registered, at the option of the registrant:
(i) Under this section; or
(ii) Under any other appropriate section of this title.
(3) The Administration may establish guidelines for the registration of school type vehicles in accordance with this section.
(b) Type I school vehicles.- If it is only operated for the transportation of children, students, or teachers for educational purposes or in connection with a school activity or if it is operated, with approval from a board of education in any county, to provide transportation for persons 60 years old or older to civic, educational, social, or recreational activities, a Type I school vehicle (school bus) shall:
(1) Display distinctive "school bus" registration plates issued by the Administration; and
(2) Comply with all the requirements of the Maryland Vehicle Law and the regulations of the Administration that relate to a Type I school vehicle.
(c) Display of "school charter" registration plates.-
(1) If it is operated for any purpose in addition to those specified in subsection (b) of this section, a Type I school vehicle (school bus) shall display distinctive "school charter" registration plates issued by the Administration.
(2) The Administration shall issue "school charter" plates:
(i) In place of and not in addition to "school bus" plates; and
(ii) Only to vehicles complying with all the requirements of the Maryland Vehicle Law and the regulations of the Administration that relate to a Type I school vehicle.
(d) Type II school vehicles.- A Type II school vehicle shall:
(1) Display distinctive registration plates issued by the Administration; and
(2) Comply with all the requirements of the Maryland Vehicle Law and the regulations of the Administration that relate to a Type II school vehicle.
[An. Code 1957, art. 661/2, § 3-401.1; 1977, ch. 14, § 2; ch. 625; 1986, ch. 472, § 1; 1992, ch. 447.]