§ 13-619. Special registration plates for members of certain organizations.
(a) Who may apply.- The owner of a motor vehicle, or a lessee of the vehicle under a lease not intended as security, or a director, officer, employee, or partner of a business entity that owns the vehicle who is a member or, subject to subsection (c) (3) of this section, the surviving spouse of a member, of an organization considered eligible by the Administration may apply to the Administration for the assignment of a special registration number if the vehicle is included in one of the following classes:
(1) A Class A (passenger) vehicle;
(2) A Class E (truck) vehicle with a manufacturer's rated capacity of one ton or less; or
(3) A Class M (multipurpose) vehicle.
(b) Motorcyclist organization.-
(1) In this subsection, "motorcyclist organization" means a motorcyclist organization, institution, association, society, or corporation that:
(i) Is exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (7) of the Internal Revenue Code; and
(ii) Is determined by the Administration to be eligible under this section.
(2) The owner of a Class D (motorcycle) vehicle who is a member of a motorcyclist organization may apply to the Administration for the assignment of a special registration number for the vehicle.
(c) Nonprofit organization.- The Administration may issue and continue a special registration number under this section if:
(1) The owner of the motor vehicle submits, with the original application, proof satisfactory to the Administration that the owner of the vehicle is a member of a nonprofit organization and complies with the regulations adopted by the Administration under subsection (d) of this section;
(2) At least 25 owners of vehicles in a class apply to the Administration for the assignment of special registration numbers, and at least 25 special registration numbers are issued initially; and
(3) In the case of an owner who is applying as a surviving spouse, the owner submits proof satisfactory to the Administration that at the time of death of the owner's spouse, the deceased spouse was the holder of a special registration number issued under this section.
(d) Regulations.- The Administration shall adopt regulations not inconsistent with the Maryland Vehicle Law to govern the issuance of special registration plates to members of nonprofit organizations under this section.
(e) Fee.-
(1) In addition to the annual registration fee otherwise required under this title, an owner of a vehicle assigned a special registration under this section shall pay a fee determined by the Administration each time new registration plates are issued for the vehicle.
(2) The fee:
(i) May not exceed the amount required to enable the Administration to recover its costs under this section;
(ii) Shall be retained by the Administration for the purpose of recovering its cost under this section; and
(iii) May not be credited to the Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Revenue Account for distribution under § 8-403 or § 8-404 of this article.
(f) Fee not required for certain vehicles.- The additional fee required under subsection (e) of this section is not required for special registration of a vehicle that is exempt under § 13-903 of this title, or a vehicle with a special registration plate recognizing:
(1) The Maryland National Guard; or
(2) A volunteer fire department, volunteer rescue squad, or volunteer ambulance company in this State.
(g) Contents of special registration plates.-
(1) The special registration plates or plate issued under this section may consist of:
(i) 1. Any combination of letters, numerals, or both; and
2. The name, initials, or abbreviation of the name of the organization; or
(ii) 1. Any combination of letters, numerals, or both;
2. The name, initials, or abbreviation of the name of the organization; and
3. An emblem or logo as authorized by the Administration that depicts the organization.
(2) A special registration number assigned under this section shall be displayed on the registration plates or plate for the vehicle.
(3) An organization may, at its option, receive a special registration under either paragraph (1) (i) or paragraph (1) (ii) of this subsection, but not under both.
[1985, ch. 516, § 1; 1986, ch. 850; 1990, ch. 69, § 2; 1993, ch. 128; 1995, ch. 3, § 1; ch. 558; 1996, chs. 223, 432.]