§ 13-620. Use of plates in general.
(a) Interchangeable use.- A special registration plate issued under this part:
(1) May be used on and for the operation of any vehicle expressly authorized to be driven under that class of registration plate, without registering the specific vehicle with the Administration; and
(2) Is interchangeable among these vehicles.
(b) Display of plate.- A vehicle may not be driven under a special registration plate issued under this part unless the plate is displayed on the vehicle in the manner required by § 13-411 of this title.
(c) Prohibited uses.- A special registration plate issued under this part may not be used on or for the operation of any vehicle other than a vehicle expressly authorized to be driven under that class of registration plate.
(d) When special registration plates invalid; driving or permitting vehicle to be driven on invalid plates.- If the required license or authorization to do business of a person to whom a special registration plate is issued under this part expires or is canceled, suspended, or revoked, or if the Administration notifies the person that the special registration plates issued to the person have been suspended or revoked under § 13-706 of this title:
(1) All of the special registration plates issued to that person are invalid; and
(2) The person may not drive any vehicle or permit any vehicle to be driven under those plates.
[1977, ch. 14, § 2; 1986, ch. 472, § 1.]