§ 13-625. Registration of transporters; special registration plates for transporters.
(a) "Transporter" defined.- In this section, "transporter" means a person in the business of:
(1) Delivering vehicles of a type required to be registered under this title from a manufacturing, assembling, or distributing plant to point of destination;
(2) Transporting or moving these vehicles to or from places of business for repair, painting, remodeling, or installing equipment or for the transportation of recovered stolen vehicles by insurance companies;
(3) A licensed auctioneer acting on behalf of a seller exempt from the licensing requirements of § 15-101 (c)(3)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), and (vi) of this article; or
(4) Transporting new or used mobile or modular homes.
(b) Application for registration and special plates.- Any transporter may apply to the Administration for:
(1) Registration of its business; and
(2) On registration, the issuance of as many special, transporter registration plates as the Administration authorizes.
(c) Evidence to accompany application.- Each application under this section shall be accompanied by evidence that the transporter:
(1) Is engaged in the business of transporting new or used motor vehicles, new or used trailers, or mobile construction equipment;
(2) Is subject to at least two written contracts under which the transporter is to repair, paint, remodel, or install equipment on vehicles or auction vehicles;
(3) Is a licensed inspection station under Title 23 of this article; or
(4) Is certified by the Interstate Commerce Commission or the United States government to transport vehicles as evidenced by the applicant's certificate of public convenience and necessity and Interstate Commerce Commission docket number.
(d) Qualifications.- A transporter may not be registered under this section unless the business of the transporter:
(1) Is equipped to perform the services indicated on the application; and
(2) Has facilities adequate for the type of business that the transporter proposes to conduct.
(e) Expiration of registration; renewal.-
(1) The registration of a transporter under this section expires at the time that the Administration designates when it registers the transporter.
(2) After the expiration of its registration, a transporter may not exercise the privileges granted by this section until his registration has been renewed.
(f) Transporter to report changed information.- A transporter registered under this section immediately shall notify the Administration in writing of any change of address, business name, business designation, or any other information given on or with his last application for registration or renewal.
(g) Operation of vehicles.- Transporter registration plates may be used only:
(1) On a vehicle in the possession of, but not owned by, the transporter, if the vehicle is operated to facilitate delivery, inspection, repair, painting, remodeling, the installation of equipment on it, or relocation among storage facilities and points of pickup and delivery, and not for any personal, private, or public use; and
(2) On a new or used mobile or modular home, if the transporter submits evidence of:
(i) Proper registration of the towing vehicle; and
(ii) Commercial insurance as required by the Administration.
[An. Code 1957, art. 661/2, §§ 1-204, 3-603; 1977, ch. 14, § 2; ch. 493; 1985, ch. 637; 1995, ch. 560; 2005, ch. 25, § 13; 2008, ch. 36, § 6.]