§ 15-312. Prohibited acts - Vehicle sales transactions.
(a) Allowing certain individuals to road test motor vehicles.- A dealer or an agent or employee of a dealer may not permit any individual to road test a motor vehicle if he knows that the other individual does not have a license to drive of the appropriate class.
(b) Making material misrepresentations in obtaining vehicle sales contracts.- A dealer or an agent or employee of a dealer may not make any material misrepresentation in obtaining a vehicle sales contract.
(c) Fraud.- A dealer or an agent or employee of a dealer may not commit any fraud in the execution of or any material alteration of a contract, power of attorney, or other document incident to a sales transaction.
(d) Preparing or accepting certain promissory notes.- A dealer or an agent or employee of a dealer may not prepare or accept any promissory note or other evidence of indebtedness on a vehicle sales contract knowing that it requires the debtor to pay an amount greater than that agreed on in the written contract for the sale of the vehicle.
(e) Failure to perform certain vehicle sales contracts.- A dealer or an agent or employee of a dealer may not willfully fail to perform, without justification, any vehicle sales contract.
(f) Deviation from terms of original contract.- A dealer or an agent or employee of a dealer may not materially deviate from or disregard, without the consent of the buyer, any of the original terms of the contract.
(g) Failure to comply with terms of warranty or guarantee.- A dealer or an agent or employee of a dealer may not willfully fail to comply with the terms of a warranty or guarantee.
(h) Renting dealer registration plates.- A dealer or an agent or employee of a dealer may not rent a dealer registration plate issued by the Administration.
[An. Code 1957, art. 661/2, § 5-401; 1977, ch. 14, § 2; 1985, ch. 711; 1986, ch. 472, § 1.]