§ 16-104. Classes of license enumerated; driving vehicle not authorized by license.
(a) Class A license.-
(1) A Class A driver's license authorizes the licensee to drive:
(i) Combinations of Class F (tractor) and Class G (trailer) vehicles; and
(ii) Any vehicle that a Class B, C, or D driver's license authorizes its holder to drive.
(2) An individual who is issued a Class A driver's license under this subsection may not drive or attempt to drive a motor vehicle on any highway in this State unless a Class A driver's license authorizes the individual to drive a vehicle of the class that individual is driving or attempting to drive.
(b) Class B license.-
(1) A Class B driver's license authorizes the licensee to drive:
(i) Vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a registered gross vehicle weight or registered gross combination weight of more than 25,000 pounds, excluding combinations of Class F (tractor) and Class G (trailer) vehicles; and
(ii) Except as provided in § 16-103 (c) of this subtitle, any vehicle that a Class C or D driver's license authorizes its holder to drive.
(2) An individual who is issued a Class B driver's license under this subsection may not drive or attempt to drive a motor vehicle on any highway in this State unless a Class B driver's license authorizes the individual to drive a vehicle of the class that the individual is driving or attempting to drive.
(c) Class C license.-
(1) A Class C driver's license authorizes the licensee to drive:
(i) Buses; and
(ii) Any vehicle that a Class D driver's license authorizes its holder to drive.
(2) An individual who is issued a Class C driver's license under this subsection may not drive or attempt to drive a motor vehicle on any highway in this State unless a Class C driver's license authorizes the individual to drive a vehicle of the class that the individual is driving or attempting to drive.
(d) Class D license.-
(1) A Class D driver's license authorizes the licensee to drive any vehicle or combinations of vehicles, except:
(i) Combinations of Class F (tractor) and Class G (trailer) vehicles;
(ii) Vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a registered gross vehicle weight or registered gross combination weight of more than 25,000 pounds, but not including an uncoupled truck tractor;
(iii) Buses over 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight; and
(iv) Motorcycles.
(2) An individual who is issued a Class D driver's license under this subsection may not drive or attempt to drive a motor vehicle on any highway in this State unless a Class D driver's license authorizes the individual to drive a vehicle of the class that the individual is driving or attempting to drive.
(e) Class E license.-
(1) A Class E driver's license authorizes the licensee to drive motorcycles.
(2) An individual who is issued a Class E driver's license under this subsection may not drive or attempt to drive a motor vehicle on any highway in this State unless a Class E driver's license authorizes the individual to drive a vehicle of the class that the individual is driving or attempting to drive.
(f) Additional authorizations.- Subject to the provisions of the Maryland Vehicle Law, a Class A, B, C, or D licensee may:
(1) Drive any tow truck, as defined in and registered in accordance with § 13-920 of this article, designed and used only for towing vehicles; and
(2) Tow any vehicle with that tow truck.
(g) Applicability of section.- This section applies to any license issued or renewed on or before December 31, 1989.
[An. Code 1957, art. 661/2, § 6-102.2; 1977, ch. 14, § 2; 1981, chs. 308, 496, 743; 1982, ch. 17, § 7; 1983, ch. 121; 1986, ch. 447; ch. 472, § 1; 1989, ch. 291, § 2.]