§ 2-604. Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan.
(a) Requirements; goals of Plan.- The Director shall develop and coordinate policies and plans for the provision, preservation, improvement, and expansion of access to transportation facilities in the State for pedestrians and bicycle riders, including development of a Statewide 20-Year Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan that:
(1) (i) Identifies short-term and long-range goals that are consistent with the purposes of this subtitle; and
(ii) For each identified goal, includes:
1. Reasonable cost estimates for achieving the goal; and
2. For purposes of the annual report required under § 3-216 of this article, objective performance criteria against which progress in achieving the goal can be measured;
(2) Complies with applicable federal funding requirements;
(3) Provides a model to guide political subdivisions of the State in enhancing bicycle and pedestrian access to transportation facilities;
(4) Proposes long-term strategies for improving the State's highways to ensure compliance with the most advanced safety standards for pedestrians and bicycle riders; and
(5) After consultation with political subdivisions in the State, identifies bicycle-pedestrian priority areas to facilitate the targeting of available funds to those areas of the State most in need.
(b) Revision of Plan at time of revision of Maryland Transportation Plan.- The Statewide 20-Year Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan shall be reviewed and updated each year that the Maryland Transportation Plan, as described in § 2-103.1 of this title, is revised.
(c) Duties of Director.- To carry out the purposes of this subtitle, the Director shall:
(1) Participate in the planning of new transportation facilities and improvements to existing transportation facilities;
(2) Advise the Secretary on matters concerning bicycle and pedestrian access and any other matter as requested by the Secretary;
(3) Initiate a program of systematic identification of and planning for projects related to bicycle and pedestrian transportation that qualify for funds under Federal Highway Administration guidelines;
(4) Monitor State transportation plans, proposals, facilities, and services to ensure maximum benefits for pedestrians and bicycle riders in the State; and
(5) Consult regularly with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee established under § 2-606 of this subtitle.
(d) Secretary's authority.- The exercise of the powers and duties of the Director is subject to the authority of the Secretary.
[2000, ch. 670, § 2; 2010, ch. 145.]