§ 21-601. Required position and method of turning at intersections or crossovers.
(a) Right turns.- If the driver of a vehicle intends to turn right at any intersection, he shall approach the intersection and make the right turn as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
(b) Left turns - In general.- If the driver of a vehicle intends to turn left at any intersection or crossover, he shall approach the intersection or crossover in the extreme left-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the same direction.
(c) Left turns - Leaving intersection.- If the driver of a vehicle intends to turn left at any intersection or crossover, the driver shall, after entering the intersection or crossover, make the left turn so as to leave the intersection in a lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the same direction on the roadway being entered.
(d) Powers of State Highway Administration and local authorities.-
(1) The State Highway Administration or any local authority may place a traffic control device at or near any intersection in its jurisdiction and, with it, direct that vehicles turning at the intersection travel a course different from one specified in this section.
(2) At an intersection where a traffic control device is placed under this subsection, the driver of a vehicle may not turn otherwise than as directed by the device.
[An. Code 1957, art. 661/2, § 11-601; 1977, ch. 14, § 2; 1986, ch. 472, § 1.]