§ 26-301. Power of political subdivisions and State agencies to regulate parking.
(a) "Officer" defined.- In this subtitle, "officer" means a police officer or a person other than a police officer who is authorized to issue a citation for a violation of an ordinance or regulation that is adopted under this section.
(b) Authority to adopt regulations; impoundment of vehicles; issuance of citations by officers.- Subject to subsection (c) of this section, any State agency authorized by law and any political subdivision of this State may adopt ordinances or regulations that:
(1) Regulate the parking of vehicles;
(2) Provide for the impounding of vehicles parked in violation of the ordinances or regulations;
(3) Regulate the towing of vehicles from publicly owned and privately owned parking lots; and
(4) Provide for the issuance of a citation by an officer for a violation of an ordinance or regulation that is adopted under this section.
(c) More than one motorcycle may occupy a single parking space.- A political subdivision may not adopt or enforce an ordinance or regulation that prohibits the parking of more than one motorcycle within a space served by a single parking meter.
(d) Rental vehicle.-
(1) In this subsection, "rental vehicle" means a vehicle that is rented or leased for a period not exceeding 180 days.
(2) If a parking citation is issued for a rental vehicle, the owner is not liable for any penalty in excess of the original fine for a parking violation unless the owner fails to pay the fine or file a notice of intention to stand trial for the violation within the time specified in a notice of the infraction mailed to the business address of the owner.
(3) If a political subdivision or State agency receives payment for a parking violation from both the owner of the vehicle and the person who had possession of the rental vehicle at the time the parking citation was issued, the political subdivision or State agency shall reimburse the owner of the vehicle for the amount paid by the owner for the violation.
(e) Public outreach.- Any State agency authorized by law and any political subdivision of the State may establish public outreach efforts to educate law enforcement officers, businesses, medical practitioners, and the general public as to parking laws and regulations, including:
(1) The authority of law enforcement officers to enter private parking lots used by the public; and
(2) Specific eligibility criteria for, and requirements for the lawful use of, special registration plates and placards issued under Title 13, Subtitle 6 of this article for individuals with disabilities.
[An. Code 1957, art. 661/2, § 16-109.1; 1977, ch. 14, § 2; 1985, ch. 528; 1988, ch. 6, § 1; 1989, ch. 414; 1996, ch. 95; 1998, ch. 721, § 2; 2003, ch. 342; 2005, ch. 326.]