§ 5-102. Legislative policy.
(a) Purpose of title.- The purpose of this title is to further the public interest and aeronautical progress by:
(1) Promoting safety in and protecting aeronautics;
(2) Cooperating to promote uniformity of aeronautics laws and regulations in the several states, consistent with federal aeronautics laws and regulations;
(3) Granting powers to the Administration and imposing duties on it to enable this State to perform properly its functions relating to aeronautics and to exercise effectively its jurisdiction over persons and property, assist in the development of a statewide system of airports and airport facilities, cooperate with and assist the political subdivisions of this State and others engaged in aeronautics, and encourage and develop aeronautics;
(4) Establishing only those regulatory provisions that are essential, so that persons may engage in any aspect of aeronautics with the least possible restriction, consistent with the safety, health, welfare, and the rights of others; and
(5) Providing for cooperation:
(i) With federal authorities in developing a national system of civil aviation; and
(ii) With the political subdivisions of this State in developing and coordinating aeronautics in this State.
(b) Activities constitute public functions for public purposes.-
(1) The acquisition of any property under this title, the planning, acquisition, establishment, construction, improvement, maintenance, equipping, and operation of airports, airport facilities, and air navigation facilities, whether separately by this State or by a political subdivision or jointly by this State with any political subdivision, and the exercise of any other powers granted by this title are public and governmental functions, exercised for a public purpose, as matters of public necessity.
(2) All property and privileges acquired and used by or on behalf of this State or a political subdivision under this title are acquired and used for public and governmental purposes, as matters of public necessity.
[An. Code 1957, art. 1A, §§ 2-201, 2-202, 7-701; 1977, ch. 13, § 2.]