§ 5-303. Approval of airport sites.
(a) Authorization; certificates of approval.- The Administration may adopt rules and regulations providing for the approval of airport sites and the issuance of certificates of approval.
(b) Application for approval.- If the Administration provides for the approval of airport sites, any political subdivision or other person desiring or planning to construct or establish an airport may apply to the Administration for approval of the site before its acquisition or before construction or establishment of the proposed airport.
(c) Prerequisites.- On receipt of an application under this section, the Administration shall issue a certificate of approval, with reasonable promptness and without charge, if it is satisfied that:
(1) The site is adequate for the proposed airport;
(2) The proposed airport will meet minimum standards of safety, which may not be more stringent than those standards, if any, recommended by the Federal Aviation Administration for similar airports;
(3) Safe air traffic patterns can be worked out for the proposed airport and for all existing airports and approved airport sites in its vicinity; and
(4) The intended operator of the proposed airport has complied with the requirements of this title on environmental noise control.
(d) Conditions of grant of approval; duration.-
(1) The Administration may approve a site subject to any reasonable condition that it considers necessary to fulfill any purpose of this subtitle.
(2) Unless sooner revoked by the Administration, the approval remains in effect until a license or registration for an airport on the approved site is issued under this subtitle.
(e) Revocation of approval.- After notice to the holder of a certificate of approval and opportunity for hearing, the Administration may revoke an approval if it reasonably determines that:
(1) The site has been abandoned as an airport site;
(2) There has been a failure within the time required or, if no time has been required, within a reasonable time, to develop the site as an airport or to comply with the conditions of the approval;
(3) Because of a change of physical or legal conditions or circumstances, the site is no longer usable for the purposes for which the approval was granted; or
(4) The intended operator of the proposed airport has failed to comply with the requirements of this title on environmental noise control.
[An. Code 1957, art. 1A, § 6-604; 1977, ch. 13, § 2.]