§ 5-304. Licensing of airports.
(a) Authorization; fees.-
(1) The Administration may adopt rules and regulations providing for:
(i) The licensing of commercial use airports and public use airports; and
(ii) The annual renewal of airport licenses.
(2) For an airport license, the Administration may charge a license fee of not more than:
(i) $25 for each original license; and
(ii) $10 for each renewal.
(b) License required.- If the Administration provides for the licensing of these airports, a person may not operate a commercial use airport or a public use airport unless the person has an airport license as required by the rules and regulations of the Administration.
(c) Prerequisites.- On receipt of an application for an original license under this section and payment of the required fee, the Administration shall issue the appropriate license, with reasonable promptness, if it is satisfied that:
(1) The site is adequate for the airport;
(2) The airport meets minimum standards of safety, which may not be more stringent than those standards, if any, recommended by the Federal Aviation Administration for similar airports;
(3) Safe air traffic patterns have been worked out for the airport and for all existing airports and approved airport sites in its vicinity; and
(4) The airport operator has complied with the requirements of this title on environmental noise control.
(d) Conditions of licensure.-
(1) The Administration may issue an airport license or renewal subject to any reasonable condition that it considers necessary to fulfill any purpose of this subtitle.
(2) Before renewal of an airport license and at any other reasonable time, the Administration may require that the airport operator provide the Administration with a list, by serial number and description, of all aircraft, based at the airport for which renewal is sought and the names and addresses of their owners.
(e) Suspension or revocation of license.-
(1) The Administration may suspend an airport license pending a hearing if it reasonably determines that:
(i) A condition exists that endangers the lives or property of persons using the airport or that endangers the occupants of the land near the airport; and
(ii) It is in the interest of public safety and the general welfare to stop use of the airport.
(2) After notice to the licensee and opportunity for hearing, the Administration may revoke or refuse to renew an airport license if it reasonably determines that:
(i) The site has been abandoned as an airport;
(ii) There has been a failure to comply with the conditions of the license or renewal;
(iii) Because of a change of physical or legal conditions or circumstances, the airport has become unsafe or unusable for the purposes for which the license or renewal was issued; or
(iv) The airport operator has failed to comply with the requirements of this title on environmental noise control.
[An. Code 1957, art. 1A, §§ 5-502, 6-604; 1977, ch. 13, § 2.]