§ 5-306. Registration of other airports.
(a) Authorization; fees.-
(1) The Administration may adopt rules and regulations providing for the registration of airports not required to be licensed under this subtitle.
(2) Registration under this section shall be without charge unless the airport is used to base aircraft that do not belong to the registrant, in which event the Administration may charge a registration fee of not more than:
(i) $10 for each original registration; and
(ii) $5 for each renewal.
(b) Conditions of registration.- On payment of the required fee, the Administration shall issue a registration certificate subject to any reasonable condition that it considers necessary to fulfill any purpose of this subtitle.
(c) Renewals.- Each registration certificate is renewable annually on payment of the required fee.
[An. Code 1957, art. 1A, § 6-604; 1977, ch. 13, § 2.]