§ 5-414. Citizens Committee for the Enhancement of Communities Surrounding Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport.
(a) Established.- There is a Citizens Committee for the Enhancement of Communities Surrounding Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport.
(b) Composition.-
(1) The Citizens Committee consists of 11 members who are appointed by the Secretary after recommendation by the members of the legislative delegation from legislative districts 12, 13, and 32 as follows:
(i) Two members of the Citizens Committee shall be recommended by each of the delegates representing district 32;
(ii) One member of the Citizens Committee shall be recommended by the delegates representing district 12;
(iii) One member of the Citizens Committee shall be recommended by the delegates representing district 13; and
(iv) Three members of the Citizens Committee shall be recommended by the senator representing district 32.
(2) The members shall be representatives of community associations that are either wholly or partially situated:
(i) In the most recent certified noise zone, adopted under § 5-806 of this title, for Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport; or
(ii) In a border extending 2 miles outside of the certified noise zone.
(c) Terms.-
(1) The term of a member of the Citizens Committee is 3 years.
(2) The terms of the members are staggered as required by the terms provided for members of the Citizens Committee on October 1, 2001.
(3) At the end of a term, a member continues to serve until a successor is appointed.
(4) A member who is appointed after a term has begun serves only for the rest of the term and until a successor is appointed.
(d) Chairman.- From among the members of the Citizens Committee, the Secretary shall appoint a chairman.
(e) Meetings.-
(1) The Citizens Committee shall meet regularly at the call of the chairman.
(2) The Secretary, or the Secretary's designee, shall meet with the Citizens Committee at least quarterly.
(f) Reimbursements prohibited.- A member of the Citizens Committee may not receive compensation or other reimbursement for expenses.
(g) Duties.- The Citizens Committee shall:
(1) Evaluate issues of livability in the communities located in the area described in subsection (b)(2) of this section and the unique impacts on livability in these communities arising from their close proximity to Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport;
(2) Develop projects designed to address transportation issues that affect livability in the communities; and
(3) Make recommendations to the Secretary for the funding of projects designed to address transportation issues that affect livability in the communities.
(h) Consideration of recommendations; grants-in-aid; budget designations.-
(1) The Secretary shall consider the recommendations of the Citizens Committee.
(2) The Secretary may make grants-in-aid, under § 2-103(i)(2) of this article, to fund transportation related projects recommended by the Citizens Committee.
(3) (i) The Secretary shall identify in the annual budget for the Department an amount designated for the grants-in-aid authorized under this subsection.
(ii) In making a budget designation under this paragraph, the Secretary shall consider the number of aircraft operations at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport for the most recent available calendar year.
(iii) A budget amount designated under this paragraph shall include an amount equal to at least one dollar for every takeoff and landing of an aircraft that occurs at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport for the most recent available calendar year.
(i) Staff support.- Staff support for the Citizens Committee shall be provided by the Department.
[2001, ch. 589; 2005, ch. 442, § 3.]