§ 5-418. Operation and use of airports and facilities.
(a) In general.- Any political subdivision that acquires, leases, controls, or sets apart any property for an airport, airport facility, or air navigation facility may:
(1) Establish and operate the airport or facility;
(2) Lease or grant to any person, on the terms and conditions it considers proper, any right or interest in the airport or facility;
(3) Fix any charges, rentals, or fees for the use of the airport or facility and for any right or interest granted to any person under this section; and
(4) Delegate any of its powers under this section to any suitable officer or agency of the political subdivision and, for this purpose, create any new agency or unit.
(b) Costs and expenses.- The costs and expenses incurred in connection with any act performed under this section shall be the responsibility of the political subdivision.
[An. Code 1957, art. 1A, § 7-701; 1977, ch. 13, § 2.]