§ 5-821. Permits.
(a) Permit required.- Unless a person has an appropriate permit issued by the Administration, the person may not, in a noise zone established under this part:
(1) Establish or construct any new structure;
(2) Make any new use of any existing structure or land; or
(3) Substantially alter any existing structure or use of land.
(b) Exceptions.- Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, the Administration may not require any person to obtain a permit to construct an addition to a residential structure in a noise zone established under this part, if:
(1) The resultant improved structure retains the same number of family dwelling units; and
(2) The addition is not made eligible for participation in any State funded noise assistance program established under Subtitle 12 of this title.
(c) Limitations on granting permit.- The Administration may not grant a permit if the proposed action would:
(1) Enlarge the size of or create an impacted land use area; or
(2) Violate local land use and zoning laws.
(d) Limitations on political subdivisions.- Unless a person has an appropriate permit issued by the Administration or a variance granted by the Board of Airport Zoning Appeals, a political subdivision may not approve a final subdivision plan or issue any permit that is prerequisite to the construction of improvements in a noise zone established under this subtitle.
[An. Code 1957, art. 1A, § 7-703; 1977, ch. 13, § 2; 1981, ch. 545; 1989, ch. 509, § 1.]