Section 10. Such number of copies of the journals of the senate and of the house of representatives as the committees on rules thereof shall determine shall be printed annually under the direction of the respective clerks thereof; and, unless the general court shall otherwise order, two thousand copies of the lists of members and committees shall be printed annually under the joint direction of said clerks.
Copies of said journals shall, under the direction of said clerks, be distributed as follows:—one copy to each member of the general court, who requests the same in writing addressed to said clerks; one copy to each member of the executive department, who requests the same in writing addressed to said clerks; one copy to the clerk and assistant clerk of each branch of the general court and to each reporter who is entitled to the privileges of the reporters’ gallery in either branch; and ten copies to the state library for use therein and for exchange. The state secretary shall send one copy of said journals to each member of the general court who requests the same as provided in this section. The state librarian shall send one copy of said journals to each free public library in the commonwealth which requests the same in writing.
Copies of the lists of members and committees shall, under the direction of said clerks, be distributed as follows:—one copy to each member of the general court, to each member of the executive department, to the clerk and assistant clerk of each branch of the general court and to each reporter who is entitled to the privileges of the reporters’ gallery in either branch and ten copies to the state library for use therein and for exchange.
The remaining copies of the journals shall be turned over to the state secretary, and he shall sell copies at such price, not less than cost, as he shall fix.
The remaining copies of the lists of members and committees shall be distributed at the discretion of the clerks of the two branches, preference being given to the members of the general court and to state officers.
Two thousand copies of the governor’s address to the general court shall be printed, of which fifteen hundred shall be for the general court and five hundred for the governor.