Section 3. The state secretary shall determine the number of copies, not exceeding ten thousand, of said volume required to be printed each year and shall, immediately after their publication, distribute such copies as follows:
To the clerk of the senate, for the use of the senate, twelve;
To the counsel to the senate, twenty;
To the clerk of the house of representatives, for the use of the house, twenty-four;
To the counsel to the house of representatives, twenty;
To the legislative research bureau, four;
To each member of the general court, one; and upon written request of said member, an additional number, not exceeding ten;
To the state library, for use therein and for the purpose of exchange, one hundred;
To the governor, the lieutenant governor, the attorney general and his assistants, the senators and representatives in Congress from the commonwealth, the reporter of decisions, district attorneys, city and town clerks, county commissioners, county treasurers, registers of deeds, such free public libraries, academic and special libraries in the commonwealth as the state secretary may designate, county law libraries, all incorporated law libraries and branch libraries maintained by them, the justices of the supreme court of the United States, the judges and clerks of the United States circuit court of appeals and district court for the district of Massachusetts, all the justices and clerks of the various courts of the commonwealth, including masters in chancery, registers of deeds and probate, one each;
To such assistant clerks and assistant registers of deeds and probate, upon application in writing therefor, and a number sufficient to supply a copy for each courtroom where a session is held;
To the state secretary for distribution to such state departments, boards, commissions and agencies as in the opinion of the secretary require a copy for official use, an additional number not exceeding one hundred.
After making the foregoing distribution or making provision therefor, the state secretary may sell copies at such price per copy as shall be fixed by him in accordance with section one A.