Section 8. When in the opinion of the state purchasing agent, a state publication is not of sufficient public benefit to be distributed free of charge, he may declare such publication to be an official text book, case book or technical report; provided, that the status of such publication has not already been determined by the general court. An appeal from the decision of the state purchasing agent shall lie to the committee of the executive council appointed to consider matters of finance, whose decision shall be final. Text books, case books or technical reports shall be distributed exclusively by the state secretary. They shall be distributed free of charge, but only upon written request, to such persons and in such numbers as are mentioned in section seven, or for the purpose of exchange with other states; provided, that a number of copies, not to exceed one hundred, of such text books, case books or technical reports, may be retained by the state secretary for free distribution to state departments, or otherwise as he may deem necessary. They may be delivered to other persons only upon receipt of a sum equal at least to the estimated cost thereof, as determined by the comptroller.