Section 9. The state secretary shall annually procure copies of the proceedings of the annual encampments of the departments of Massachusetts, Grand Army of the Republic, United Spanish War Veterans, The American Legion, Disabled American Veterans of the World War, Marine Corps League, American Veterans of World War II, AMVETS, Italian American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated, Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Polish-American Veterans of Massachusetts, Inc., and Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A., held in that year, with the general and special orders, circulars and other papers forming parts thereof, and shall cause the same to be kept as parts of the records of the commonwealth. He shall annually cause copies thereof, including in the case of those relating to the Grand Army of the Republic the portraits of the department officers and staff and of the executive committee of the national encampment, to be printed and bound; and shall cause one printed and bound copy of each to be sent to each town library in the commonwealth. He shall also send one copy of each volume relating to the Grand Army of the Republic to each Grand Army post, one copy of the volume relating to the United Spanish War Veterans to each camp of Spanish War Veterans, one copy of the volume relating to The American Legion to each post of The American Legion, one copy of the volume relating to the Disabled American Veterans of the World War to each chapter of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War, one copy of the volume relating to the Marine Corps League to each detachment of the Marine Corps League, one copy of the volume relating to the American Veterans of World War II, AMVETS to each post of the American Veterans of World War II, AMVETS, one copy of the volume relating to the Italian American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated to each post of the Italian American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated, one copy of the volume relating to the Jewish War Veterans of the United States to each post of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, one copy of the volume relating to the Veterans of Foreign Wars to each post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, one copy of the volume relating to the Polish-American Veterans of Massachusetts, Inc. to each post of the Polish-American Veterans of Massachusetts, Inc. and one copy of the volume relating to the Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A. to each barracks of the Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A., in the commonwealth. He shall cause the other copies of each to be distributed in the same manner as the annual report of the state secretary.