Section 39. There shall be a board of registration of barbers, in this section and in sections forty and forty-one called the board, to be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, and to consist of three members, citizens of the commonwealth, each of whom shall be a practising barber, and shall have had five years of practical experience as a barber in this commonwealth prior to his original appointment and shall have been actively engaged in the occupation of barbering in this commonwealth for not less than six months during the twelve months immediately prior to such appointment, and at least one of whom shall be a journeyman barber employed by a master barber, and at least one of whom shall be a master barber who is an employer of one or more barbers. No two members of the board shall, while in office, be engaged in practising the occupation of barbering in the same town. As the term of office of a member expires, his successor shall be appointed by the governor, with like advice and consent, to serve for three years. The governor may also, with like advice and consent, fill any vacancy in the board for the unexpired portion of the term.