Section 80. There shall be a board of registration of social workers hereinafter called the board, which shall consist of seven members to be appointed by the governor. Members of the board shall be residents of the commonwealth and citizens of the United States. Four of such members shall represent each of the levels of licensure provided for in section one hundred and thirty-one of chapter one hundred and twelve, except that such members constituting the first board shall be persons who are eligible for licensing as social workers. Three of said four board members shall have had two years experience working in or consulting for an agency with an executive board comprised of community members. Three members of the board shall be selected from and shall represent the general public.
Of the members required to be licensed, one shall be actually engaged in social work education, one shall be actually engaged in the independent practice of clinical social work, and one shall be an active member of an organized labor organization representing social workers. At least one licensed social work member and one member representing the general public shall be from a minority group, as defined by the federal Department of Health, Education and Welfare. At least one member representing the general public shall be a consumer of social work services. No more than four members of the board shall belong to any one political party.