Section 7. (a) The department shall issue and may renew a license to any person other than a department, agency or institution of the commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof, who meets applicable standards and requirements to establish and maintain or to assist in the establishment and maintenance of a school-aged child care program, a child care center, family child care home, placement agency or large family child care home, family foster care which is not supervised and approved by a placement agency, group care facility or temporary shelter facility.
(b) The department shall issue approval to a department, agency, or institution of the commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof which it determines meets the applicable standards and requirements to establish and maintain a child care center, family child care home or large family child care home, placement agency, group care facility or temporary shelter facility.
(c) The department may issue a provisional license for or may provisionally approve a school-aged child care program, a child care center, family child care home or large family child care home, family foster care which is not supervised and approved by a placement agency, placement agency, group care facility or temporary shelter facility, which has not previously operated, or is operating, but is temporarily unable to meet applicable standards and requirements. A provisional license or approval shall be issued for a period not to exceed 6 months, and in no case shall a person operate under a provisional license, provisional approval, or renewal thereof for more than 12 consecutive months.