Section 4A. With the approval of the personnel administrator, the commissioner may establish in the department a program of engineering internship and, may recruit qualified persons to serve in the department as highway engineer interns.
The number of persons employed in the department as highway engineer interns shall at no time exceed seven, nor may such highway engineer interns employed by the department be placed in a salary grade higher than that of a junior civil engineer in the department.
No person shall be appointed or employed as a highway engineer intern except upon requisition made by the commissioner and upon certification by the personnel administrator from an eligible list prepared in accordance with the provisions of chapter thirty-one and the rules made thereunder; provided, that the administrator shall establish such eligible list before June first in each calendar year by holding a competitive examination which shall be open only to persons who, as candidates for the degree of bachelor of science in engineering are enrolled in at least the junior year as students in any college of the commonwealth, or are Massachusetts residents attending a college of recognized standing outside the commonwealth, and to persons who, within the four years next preceding, have been awarded the degree of bachelor of science in engineering from a college of recognized standing. The eligible list established each year shall expire upon the establishment of the eligible list in the following year. No person shall be certified for appointment as a highway engineer intern unless he has been awarded the degree of bachelor of science in engineering.
Upon appointment as a highway engineer intern, made in accordance with chapter thirty-one of the General Laws and the rules made thereunder, the appointee shall sign an agreement binding him to serve as highway engineer intern for a minimum of two years unless his employment is sooner terminated by the commissioner. It shall be the duty of the commissioner to rotate the assignments of each intern during his period of employment in order that he may acquire diversified experience in the engineering programs of the department.
The names of persons appointed as highway engineer interns shall be entered in order of date of appointment on a list to be known as “Highway Engineer Intern List” in the division of civil service.
Upon completion of two years of employment as interns under agreements provided for in this section, persons shall be eligible without further examination for appointment as junior civil engineers providing a vacancy exists in said title in the department and, upon requisition of the commissioner, the names of such persons shall be certified for appointment by the personnel administrator from the Highway Engineer Intern List, in accordance with the rules of the civil service commission, except that the basis of certification shall be the order of appointment to such Highway Engineer Intern List.