Section 15. There shall be an advisory council on organ transplants consisting of the commissioner of public health, the commissioner of public welfare, the president of the Massachusetts Medical Society, and six persons experienced in the field of organ donations or transplants to be appointed by the governor, at least one of whom shall be a recipient of a donated organ. Upon the expiration of the term of any appointive member, a successor shall be appointed in like manner for a term of three years. The term of all appointive members shall be three years and no such member shall be appointed to serve more than two consecutive terms.
The governor shall annually designate the chairman of the council from among its members. The council shall meet at least four times each year, and shall convene special meetings at the call of the chairman, a majority of the members of the council, the commissioner of public health, or the director of the division of organ transplants. The director of the division of organ transplants shall serve as the executive secretary of the council and shall attend all meetings. The council shall make an annual report to the governor, and shall file a copy of said report with the state secretary, the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives. Members of the council shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the discharge of their duties.
Said advisory council shall (a) assist the commissioner of public health and the director of the division of organ transplants in coordinating the efforts of all public and private agencies within the commonwealth concerned with the donation and transplantation of human organs, (b) advise the said commissioner and said director on policy and priorities of need in the commonwealth for a comprehensive program relative to organ donations and transplants, (c) review the annual plans, the proposed annual budget and the programs and services of the division and make recommendations to the commissioner, including approval, modification, or disapproval in regard thereto, and (d) assist the director of the division of organ transplants to establish regulations which shall set forth standards and guidelines by which said director shall both select individuals who shall receive funds from the Organ Transplant Fund, established pursuant to section thirty-five E of chapter ten, and determine the amount each such individual shall receive.