Section 167. The following words shall, whenever used in this section or in sections one hundred and sixty-eight to one hundred seventy-eight, inclusive, have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires: “Criminal justice agencies”, those agencies at all levels of government which perform as their principal function, activities relating to (a) crime prevention, including research or the sponsorship of research; (b) the apprehension, prosecution, adjudication, incarceration, or rehabilitation of criminal offenders; or (c) the collection, storage, dissemination or usage of criminal offender record information.
“Criminal offender record information”, records and data in any communicable form compiled by a criminal justice agency which concern an identifiable individual and relate to the nature or disposition of a criminal charge, an arrest, a pre-trial proceeding, other judicial proceedings, sentencing, incarceration, rehabilitation, or release. Such information shall be restricted to that recorded as the result of the initiation of criminal proceedings or any consequent proceedings related thereto. Criminal offender record information shall not include evaluative information, statistical and analytical reports and files in which individuals are not directly or indirectly identifiable, or intelligence information. Criminal offender record information shall be limited to information concerning persons who have attained the age of seventeen and shall not include any information concerning criminal offenses or acts of delinquency committed by any person before he attained the age of seventeen; provided, however, that if a person under the age of seventeen is adjudicated as an adult, information relating to such criminal offense shall be criminal offender record information. Criminal offender record information shall not include information concerning any offenses which are not punishable by incarceration.
“Evaluative information”, records, data, or reports concerning individuals charged with crime and compiled by criminal justice agencies which appraise mental condition, physical condition, extent of social adjustment, rehabilitative progress and the like, and which are primarily used in connection with bail, pre-trial or post-trial release proceedings, sentencing, correctional and rehabilitative planning, probation or parole.
“Intelligence information”, records and data compiled by a criminal justice agency for the purpose of criminal investigation, including reports of informants, investigators or other persons, or from any type of surveillance associated with an identifiable individual. Intelligence information shall also include records and data compiled by a criminal justice agency for the purpose of investigating a substantial threat of harm to an individual, or to the order or security of a correctional facility.
“Interstate systems”, all agreements, arrangements and systems for the interstate transmission and exchange of criminal offender record information. Such systems shall not include recordkeeping systems in the commonwealth maintained or controlled by any state or local agency, or group of such agencies, even if such agencies receive or have received information through, or otherwise participated or have participated in, systems for the interstate exchange of criminal record information.
“Purge”, remove from the criminal offender record information system such that there is no trace of information removed and no indication that said information was removed.