Section 43F. The director of facilities management shall make provision, as part of development of an inventory of buildings owned or otherwise occupied by state agencies or building authorities pursuant to section forty-three A, for evaluation of the energy consumption of each building and its major energy using systems. The director may, with the approval of the commissioner and subject to appropriation or allocation, hire consultants for the purpose of performing energy audits designed to determine the need for energy conservation projects.
The director shall recommend to the commissioner standards and guidelines governing energy conservation maintenance and operating procedures.
The director shall in conjunction with the commissioner of Energy Resources set priorities and energy efficiency standards for all state buildings and conduct energy audits of said buildings. The bureau may contract with professional consulting firms to perform the energy audits. The audits to be performed under this section shall be completed no later than July 1, 1986.
All energy conservation projects within the jurisdiction of the division of capital asset management and maintenance as defined by section forty A, including projects funded out of any lump-sum energy conservation fund or account, shall be fully subject to the provisions of chapter seven except that alternative energy property program projects authorized pursuant to section eleven of chapter twenty-five A shall not be subject to sections forty-one A and forty-one B, sections forty-two A through forty-two K, inclusive, and sections forty-three A through forty-three F, inclusive, of chapter seven.