Section 20A. No order for, or claim for payment for, extra work or materials, furnishings or equipment, in addition to an existing contract for the construction or repair of any structure or of public works of any nature whatsoever or for equipment or furnishings, shall be approved by any official, board, department or commission on behalf of the commonwealth until one week after notice of intention to act upon such order or claim shall have been filed by him or it with the comptroller; provided, that, in the case of any such order estimated to involve a cost of less than fifteen thousand dollars and in the case of any such order necessitated by extreme emergency involving the health or safety of persons or damage to property or to work in progress, notice of the approval of such order may be filed after the work has been commenced or completed, but such notice shall be so filed as soon as practicable, with a brief statement as to the character of the extreme emergency, if any, and in any event such notice shall be filed before final payment is made on the contract to which the order or claim for extra work or payment relates. The foregoing requirements shall not apply to change in quantities of work or materials covered at unit prices by an item or items in any such original contract, nor to work, other than extra work, for which payment is specifically provided in the contract or specifications. Every notice under this section shall contain the number or other designation of such contract, together with the title and date thereof, and a statement of the amount of the accepted bid and of the estimated total cost based on the bid prices of such contract, and of the total amount of orders or claims previously approved for payment, and of the character and location of work proposed or included under each such order or claim, and of the estimated cost or amount under each such order or claim. Said notices shall be entered by the comptroller upon a docket and shall be open to public inspection.
No such order or claim shall be split or divided for the purpose of evading any provision of this section.