Section 3. Every officer having charge of any state agency which receives a periodic appropriation from the commonwealth, including all periodic appropriations to be met from state revenues shall annually, on or before a date set by the commissioner submit to the budget director statements (1) showing in detail the amounts appropriated for the preceding and the current fiscal years; (2) the interchanges during the preceding fiscal year between the subsidiary accounts prescribed in accordance with section twenty-seven; (3) the deficiencies and overdrafts, if any, in appropriations for the latest complete fiscal year and for the current fiscal year; (4) estimates of the amounts required for ordinary maintenance for the ensuing fiscal year, with an explanation of any increased appropriations recommended and with citations of the statutes relating thereto, a statement indicating the priorities assigned to each program by said officer; (5) and statements showing in detail the revenue of the state agency in his charge for the latest complete fiscal year, and the revenue and estimated revenue thereof for the current fiscal year, and his estimated revenue from the same or any additional sources for the ensuing fiscal year, with his recommendations as to any changes in the management, practices, rules, regulations or laws governing such state agency which would effect an increase or cause a decrease in revenue from operations, fees, taxes or other sources, or which would facilitate the collection thereof; (6) together with such other information on the expenditures, revenues, activities, output or performance of any such state agency as may be required by rule or regulation of the commissioner, and any other information, including the priorities assigned to each program by said officer, required at any time by the budget director. Every such officer shall also submit to the budget director a statement showing in detail the number of permanent, temporary, and part-time positions authorized for the state agency in his charge and the volume of work performed in the latest complete fiscal year, and justifying his request for permanent, temporary and part-time positions in the ensuing fiscal year in relation to the volume of work expected to be performed by the state agency.
All such statements, recommendations and estimates shall, to the fullest possible extent, conform with the programs of the state agency as defined by the commissioner, with the advice of the officers responsible for the administration thereof and the officer making the submission to the budget director. The said estimates shall not include any estimate for any new or special purpose or object not authorized by statute.
Copies of all such statements, recommendations, and estimates as they pertain to space rentals and maintenance and construction or repair of capital facilities shall be submitted on or before the aforementioned date to the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance. They shall include a report detailing the current condition of the using agency’s buildings, broken down into individual structural or mechanical components, as defined by rule or regulation of the commissioner. Such report shall specify those individual maintenance and repair items for which monies requested in the operating budget shall be used. The commissioner shall review them and submit his evaluation of the priority, necessity, and feasibility of the request contained therein to the officer making such statements, recommendations, and estimates, the budget director, the house and senate committees on ways and means, and the secretary, if any, having charge of such state agency.
Before any such statements, estimates, recommendations or other information relating to a state agency shall be so submitted, they shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means. In addition, each state agency shall submit such statements, estimates, recommendations, and other information to the secretary having charge of such state agency, if any, who shall review the same and make such additions thereto, deletions therefrom and modifications therein as such secretary deems appropriate; provided, however, that prior to making any such additions, deletions or modifications, such secretary shall conduct public hearings, for which he shall give five days’ public notice prior thereto, on all items for which he shall submit a recommendation for appropriations to the governor. Said secretaries shall furnish, to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the house and senate committees on post audit and oversight copies of all such statements, estimates, recommendations, and other information and of all such additions, deletions, and modifications.