Section 7H. The governor shall submit to the general court annually within three weeks after the general court convenes in regular session a budget including an operating budget and a capital facility budget and long range capital facilities development plan. In the first year of the term of office of a governor who has not served in the preceding year, the governor shall recommend the budget within 8 weeks after the convening of the general court. The recommendations contained therein shall, to the fullest possible extent, conform with the programs of the several offices and departments as defined by the commissioner of administration with the advice of the agency heads or other officers responsible for the administration thereof and long range capital facilities development plans as defined by the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance. The budget shall also include definite recommendations of the governor for financing the expenditures recommended, and the relative amounts to be raised from ordinary revenue, direct taxes or loans. All appropriations based upon the budget to be paid from taxes or revenue shall be incorporated in a single bill to be designated the general appropriation bill. With the budget the governor shall submit to the general court statements detailing and explaining his reasons for recommending any increase in, decrease in, or deletion from the budgetary recommendations (a) of any department office, commission, or institution, or other public agency, or in the case of a department, office, commission or institution within any executive office established by chapters six A and seven of the secretary of such executive office, (b) of the general court, (c) of the judiciary, and (d) of the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance. The governor shall also submit such other messages, statements of supplemental data relative to the budget as he deems expedient and, from time to time during the session of the general court may submit supplemental messages on recommendations relative to appropriations, revenues and loans. Upon submission of the budget to the general court, the governor shall, through the executive office for administration and finance, make available to the public all material relevant to said budget, including all supporting documents pertinent thereto. This shall include at least the mailing, at the time of submission of the Governor’s budget and subsequently the House and Senate Ways and Means budgets, of (a) copies of these budgets to the state house library, and to the state office building in Springfield, (b) copies of all reports, statements, recommendations, or evaluations required by sections three, three A, four, five, five B, six, seven D, seven E, or seven J of this chapter to the state house library. They shall be placed on public display and made available for reproduction during business hours.
All information required under this section to be filed with or as part of the budget by the governor, and which is not contained within the budget as filed or within accompanying documents filed at the same time, shall be filed by the governor within the following fourteen days and shall be accompanied by a detailed statement explaining the failure to provide the material at the time the budget was submitted.
In the event that the governor determines from information supplied by the executive office for administration and finance, from the tax revenue resolution established pursuant to section five B, or from any other competent source that the tax revenues or non-tax revenues supporting the general appropriation bill have materially decreased, or that appropriations or statutory amendments that would provide funding to support recommended levels of appropriations have materially changed from the time the general appropriation bill was originally submitted, he shall submit to the general court by message recommended corrective amendments to his original budget submission to ensure that total appropriations recommended in the general appropriation bill do not exceed total revenues supporting said bill. Such message shall be submitted to the general court within fifteen days from the date of such determination.