Section 20. Each application for examination or registration pursuant to the civil service law and rules shall be made under the penalties of perjury and shall contain requests for such information as the administrator deems necessary. Each such application for a non-promotional examination shall include a fee, not exceeding ten dollars, which may be waived by the administrator, subject to the rules adopted pursuant to section four.
No applicant shall be required to furnish any information in such application with regard to: any act of waywardness or delinquency or any offense committed before the applicant reached the age of seventeen years; any arrest for a misdemeanor or felony which did not result in a court appearance, unless court action is pending; any complaint which was dismissed for lack of prosecution or which resulted in a finding or verdict of not guilty; or any arrest for or disposition of any of the following misdemeanors: drunkenness, simple assault, speeding, minor traffic violation, affray, or disturbance of the peace if disposition thereof occurred five years or more prior to the filing of the application.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, an application for examination or registration shall contain the following question:
“Have you been convicted of a criminal offense other than drunkenness, simple assault, speeding, traffic violation, affray, or disturbance of the peace?If yes, please indicate the date, court, offense charged and the penalty imposed.” Each applicant shall answer such question, subject to the provisions of sections one hundred A, one hundred B and one hundred C of chapter two hundred and seventy-six.