Section 3. The administrator shall make and amend rules which shall regulate the recruitment, selection, training and employment of persons for civil service positions; provided, however, that the commission shall review such rules and in the event the commission determines that any proposed rule violates the basic merit principles outlined in this chapter, it may, within fifteen days of receipt of such proposed rule, by a three-fifths vote, disapprove such proposed rule. Such rules and amendments thereto shall comply with the filing provisions of section five of chapter thirty A and such regulations shall not take effect until so filed. Such rules shall include provisions for the following:
(a) Establishment of civil service series and titles, provided that for employment in the service of the commonwealth such series and titles shall be consistent with those established pursuant to section forty-five of chapter thirty.
(b) Placement of civil service positions in the official or labor service.
(c) Open competitive and other examinations to test the practical fitness of applicants.
(d) Selection of persons for positions and employment in accordance with the results of examinations, or in the order of application, or otherwise.
(e) Promotional appointments, on the basis of merit as determined by examination, performance evaluation, seniority of service or any combination of factors which fairly test the applicant’s ability to perform the duties of the position as determined by the administrator.
(f) Preferences to veterans in original and promotional appointments.
Any person, who meets the definition of veteran but has not yet been discharged from military service and was serving in the armed forces at the time of examination shall receive the same preference afforded to veterans; provided, however, that such person shall provide official documentation of honorable discharge at the time of appointment. If such person fails to provide proper documentation, such appointment and preference shall be immediately rescinded.
(g) Subject to prior preference to disabled veterans, preference to blind persons in the employment by any state department, board or commission of typists to take dictation solely from dictating machines.
(h) Transfers within and between departmental units.
(i) In the development of examination procedures shall consult with representatives of labor and professionals in the field to increase emphasis upon aptitudes relevant to performing the position to be tested.
(j) The establishment and direction of a career management service program.
(k) The development of recruitment programs, and
(l) The oversight responsibility for development of training programs in the various state agencies of the commonwealth.