Section 47. Upon application by a blind person to take an examination for any position the duties of which he may properly perform, the administrator, upon written request of such person, shall make such provisions as will enable such person to take such examination.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an appointing authority may, after giving written notice to the administrator, make a temporary appointment of a mentally retarded person to a civil service position, provided that the appointing authority shall secure and maintain on file a certificate from the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission that such person is mentally retarded and that such commission approves such employment of such person. The appointing authority shall also maintain a record of the following:
(1) the specific title and duties to be assigned to such mentally retarded person and the title of his immediate supervisor;
(2) a certificate from the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission that the retarded person: (a) can satisfactorily perform the duties of the position, (b) is qualified to do the work without hazard to himself or to others, and (c) is socially competent to maintain himself in a work environment;
(3) a statement that it will fully utilize the services of the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission for assistance to the employee’s immediate supervisor in the training and supervision of the employee and for post-placement counseling of the employee;
(4) a statement that it will not terminate the mentally retarded person’s employment without prior notification to the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission.
The appointing authority may require any such mentally retarded person to undergo such tests as, in its opinion, will measure the fitness of such person to properly perform the duties of the position.
Upon commencement of employment pursuant to this section, such mentally retarded person shall be deemed to be employed on a temporary basis in such position. The appointing authority shall notify the administrator when such mentally retarded person has been continuously employed in a year-round temporary position for a period of three years, whereupon such position shall be deemed to be a permanent position, and such person shall be deemed to be a tenured employee therein. The administrator shall give appropriate notice thereof, by title and position number, with respect to each such position in the service of the commonwealth to the budget director, the comptroller, the house and senate committees on ways and means, and the appointing authority.