Section 31. Any officer in the military forces of the commonwealth at the age of sixty-five shall be honorably discharged, or upon his own request, placed upon the retired list with the highest grade held by him in the active military service.
Any member of the armed forces of the commonwealth, with five or more years service as an officer and service in time of war in the armed forces of the United States, or fifteen years total service as an officer, may be placed upon the retired list with any grade held by him in the active military service or one grade higher, but in any case not to exceed the grade of major general; provided, however, that any such member who has had federal recognition in the grade of major general may, upon request, be placed upon the retired list in the grade of lieutenant general.
An officer upon the retired list accepting a commission in the active military forces of the commonwealth may again be placed upon said retired list, at his own request, with his former grade on the retired list, or any lower grade.