Section 10. (A.) In any county in which a charter commission has been established under this chapter, the members of the advisory board on county expenditures shall have the right to participate in the deliberations of the charter commission, but without the right to vote; except the chairman of the advisory board on county expenditures as provided in section six, on commission recommendations or to endorse or dissent from any report of the commission by virtue of their official advisory role, although this shall in no way be deemed to inhibit their comments as individuals after release of the charter commission report, or as an elected member of a charter commission.
(B.) The secretary of administration or his designee shall serve ex-officio as nonvoting advisor on all charter commissions established under this chapter. It shall be his duty to collect, evaluate and transmit to each commission such information, advice, plans, and policies as he may deem pertinent to county government and its relationship to the state and municipal government. He shall meet with the commission as frequently as the commission shall request in order to assist the commission in determining the best form to recommend for the county’s government.