Section 12. (A.) The charter study commission may report and recommend:
(i) That a referendum be held to submit to the voters of the county the question of adopting one of the optional forms of the government set forth in sections seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen of this chapter that the commission has designated; or (ii) That the charter commission shall petition the legislature for the enactment of a special charter, the text of which shall be appended to the charter commission’s report; or (iii) That the form of government of the county remain unchanged; or (iv) That any or any combination of the following changes be made: (a) that the present form of county government be abolished and which, if any, county agencies or operations should be placed under another state, local or regional governmental system; or (b) that part of the present form of county government be abolished and which, if any, county agencies or operations should remain as part of county government and which should be abolished, changed or placed under another governmental system; or (c) that all or some of the county agencies or operations be taken over by the state or allowed to exist as part of a regional system.
The commission may also draft and submit to the commissioners whatever recommendations it deems appropriate for the efficient administration of the county. Such recommendations may include a model administrative code. Such recommendations may be adopted by the commissioners in whole or in part whether or not a new charter is recommended by the commission or approved by the voters.
(B.) If the charter commission shall vote to recommend adoption of one of the optional forms set forth in sections seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen of this chapter, it shall also consider and make findings with respect to each of the three subjects set forth below, and determine which plan would provide the best representation of the people of the county. The final report shall set forth said findings and determinations in detail.
(i) Commissioners, number and term. The commission shall make recommendations as to changes if any in the number and terms of service of the county commissioners.
(ii) The commission shall recommend either a continuation of the present system of nonconcurrent terms or the adoption of a new system of concurrent terms.
(iii) Constituencies. The commission can recommend that the commissioners be elected at large or that they be elected by districts.