Section 16. (A) After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the commissioner may revoke a public employer self-insurance group’s certificate of approval if it (1) is found to be insolvent, (2) fails to pay any regulatory fee or assessment, imposed upon it, or (3) fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter, with any rules promulgated thereunder, or with any lawful order of the commissioner within the time prescribed. In addition, the commissioner may revoke a group’s certificate of approval if, after notice and opportunity for hearing, the commissioner finds that (a) any certificate of approval that was issued to the group was obtained by fraud; (b) there was a material misrepresentation in the application for the certificate of approval; or (c) the group or its administrator has misappropriated, converted, illegally withheld, or refused to pay over upon proper demand any monies that belong to a member, an employee of a member, or a person otherwise entitled thereto and that have been entrusted to the group or its administrator in its fiduciary capacities.
(B) Any ruling, order or decision of the commissioner under authority of this section shall be subject to review by appeal to the superior court department of the trial court at the instance of any party in interest, which appeal shall be on the basis of the record of the proceeding before the commissioner. Said court shall have jurisdiction to modify, amend, annul, review, or affirm such action, order, finding or decision, shall review all questions of fact and of law involved therein, and may make any other appropriate order or decree. Said court shall determine whether the filing of the appeal shall operate as a stay of any such order or decision of the commissioner.