Section 2. No correspondence school shall be operated in the commonwealth or from a place of business therein by any person or persons, firm, corporation or any organization unless licensed by the commissioner of education, hereinafter referred to in this chapter as the commissioner, and bonded in compliance with the provisions of section four.
Any person or corporation desiring to operate a correspondence school within the commonwealth or from a place of business therein shall submit to the commissioner information setting forth the methods of instruction to be used, the equipment, the qualifications and experience of the teachers to be employed, the form and contents of the course materials, and the form and contents of the student enrollment agreement or contract. If upon examination the commissioner is satisfied as to the standards as so set forth, and that the provisions of the student enrollment agreement or contract are clearly set forth, and are fair and equitable and approves the same, he shall issue a license authorizing the operation of a correspondence school. The fee for issuance of a license to operate a correspondence school and the fee for each renewal thereof shall be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven.