Section 26. No one shall operate a snow vehicle or recreation vehicle with a percentage, by weight, of alcohol in their blood of eight one-hundredths or greater, or so as to endanger any person or property.
No one shall operate a snow vehicle or a recreation vehicle in a reforested or planted area in a manner to cause damage to growing stock.
No one under the age of sixteen and one half years of age shall operate a snow vehicle or a recreation vehicle across a public highway. No one under fourteen years of age shall operate a snow vehicle or a recreation vehicle unless directly supervised by an adult.
Every person operating or riding in or on a recreation vehicle or a snow vehicle or on a sled attached thereto shall wear protective headgear conforming with such minimum standards for construction and performance as the registrar of motor vehicles may prescribe.
No person shall operate a snow vehicle on privately owned property, except in cases of emergency, unless: (a) the operator is the owner or lessee or immediate family member of the owner or lessee of such property; (b) the operator has in his possession either a document, signed by the owner or lessee of such property or his agent, authorizing the operation of a snow vehicle on such property by the operator or valid proof of current membership in a club, association or other organization to which express authorization for the operation of snow vehicles on such property has been granted; provided, however, that such operation shall be consistent with the express authorization so granted and any restrictions imposed therewith; or (c) the owner or lessee of such property has designated the area for use by such snow vehicles by posting reasonable notice of such designation in a manner approved by the director.
No one shall operate a snow vehicle or recreation vehicle in a manner to harass deer or other wildlife.
No one shall operate a snow vehicle or recreation vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs.
No one shall carry a firearm, rifle or shotgun in or on a snow vehicle or a recreation vehicle or on a trailer or sled attached thereto unless such firearm, rifle or shotgun is unloaded and in an enclosed case, unless he is a law enforcement officer or other person authorized to carry arms as specifically described in section thirty-two, or a paraplegic as provided in section sixty-five of chapter one hundred and thirty-one.
A motor vehicle operator’s license or learner’s permit shall not be required for the operation of a snow vehicle or a recreation vehicle.